Gatorade No Sugar: You Lose More Than Water When You Sweat


You lose more than water when you sweat

Replenishing with water is not enough because you lose electrolytes that keep you focused, fueled, and performing at your best. Gatorade No Sugar replenishes what you’ve lost, but without the sugar and calories you don’t need during workouts. 

For this campaign, we dramatize and visually demonstrate the fuel (essential electrolytes + water) your body burns with every workout. And how the loss of proper hydrating fuel may lead to a loss of drive, focus,  and slower progress.

Agency: 180 Amsterdam
ECD: Katrina Encanto, EJ Galang
Creative Team: Kelvin Co, Sarah De Joya
VFX Production House: Wicked Pixels South Africa
Production House: Passion Bangkok

*This is my personal cut. The original cut/the one that was aired has SUPERS to demonstrate the product features.


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